Monday, September 13, 2010

Dishonest Wealth?

September 19; Proper 20 (Lk 16:1-13) 

This text confuses my mind. I suspect it is in part because it feels that several sayings loosely tied to the notion of wealth have been tossed together. But I suspect just as confusing for me is Jesus' total disregard for ethical business practices. He does not seem tuned into the profit motive. This dishonest steward is ripping off the master of his wealth gained through acceptable channels, I suppose. Something has happened to this steward, he knows he is kicked out of a system that has controlled his life. Once that security is gone, he opts in a totally different direction. He operates as though he is no longer beholden to the economic system. He finally can allow people some space to survive, eliminating the exploitation they have known. I recall a friend saying no one got rich in the ancient world without exploiting others and making friends with exploiters. Freed from the promise and security of his boss, he now cares for the people and they in turn will come to care for him. Where do we see people acting in this kind of freedom? No wonder I am confused! These practices defy all we know.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Strange Shepherds

Luke 15

Jesus asks which one of you wouldn't leave 99 sheep to find the lost one. Wouldn't the answer be, few to none of us? The risk is real. One might be found, but certainly others may be lost in the shepherd's absence. Strange God this one is indeed. Seeking out the lost in spite of the risk!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Luke 14:25-33 Hate on them, hater?

This is a difficult text to take. Jesus, the one who is defined by love, who is defined as love, calls on us to hate? and he does not say to hate those other people "over there" as we often hear our own people cry. Rather, he says to hate those who are closest to us. Jesus calls us to radical breaks with all that we know and hold sacred so that something new might come of our lives and into our world. I personally wish Jesus used a more refined vocabulary. But he is moving into rough territory that will not be for the faint of heart. All individual attachments must go, so that the whole world can be served. Sometimes our limited love needs to be blasted open at the places of its firmest attachments!